Student housing will vary during the program and may include homestays, hotels, guesthouses, lodges, educational institutions, camping, hostels, and other appropriate housing. Students are responsible for their behavior and actions in their housing situations and students must respect the policies and practices of each establishment or facility at which they are housed, including respectfully following their homestay family’s norms and rules.
Any damage to property or environment, disruptive activities, or willful disregard of policies and practices of any housing situation may result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from housing and/or dismissal from the program. Students should inform their academic director and/or homestay coordinator if conflicts arise during the homestay and efforts will be made to either resolve the issue or find an alternative placement. SIT prohibits students from bringing any visitor to stay at a homestay or other provided place of housing. SIT Study Abroad homestay families can accommodate only their assigned student and should not be asked to host students’ guests. Any possible guests must be approved by the academic/program director who will work with the host family as they examine possible program conflicts. It is the expectation of SIT Study Abroad that during any homestay component, all students reside in the homestay. Any exception must be formally approved by the director 1 full day prior along with details of where the student will be in lieu of the homestay and relevant contact information.