Academic Status
Satisfactory academic performance is based on a student’s ability to meet the requirements of each individual course and on the student’s ability to function within the program as a whole. Specific academic expectations and grading criteria for each program will be discussed during orientation.
A student may be placed on academic probation, and will be notified of such in writing if they:
1) Are continuously absent at program activities;
2) Repeatedly fall asleep in class or are repeatedly late;
3) Are repeatedly rude and/ or show a lack of consideration to the academic director, other students, program lecturers or other program-related personnel, homestay families, host nationals, or others.
4) Repeatedly engage in behavior which is, in the opinion of the academic director and/or program-related personnel, culturally insensitive and/or inappropriate;
5) Engage in behavior which endangers the academic director, other students, themselves, and/or host nationals, including, but not limited to, a repeated refusal to take action to address physical, behavioral, or mental health problems;
6) Commit a further transgression of a norm about which a warning was previously issued;
7) Have received a letter of warning from the academic director indicating that the student is failing to work up to the standards or within the spirit of the program;
8) Have received an incomplete and have not satisfactorily outlined a course of action to meet any outstanding course requirements;
9) Have failed 33% or more of course requirements.
A student who is placed on academic probation is required to discuss their academic status with the academic director and make a plan for regaining satisfactory status.
A student is subject to dismissal and will be notified of this in writing if, in the opinion of the
academic director, they:
- Have failed to meet the conditions of any academic probation;
- Have failed 50% or more of the program’s requirements;
- Demonstrate inadequate quality of participation.
In cases of academic dismissal, the academic director makes a recommendation to the academic dean for their region who will ultimately make the final decision. SIT Study Abroad’s only obligation to a dismissed student is to confirm in writing the reasons for dismissal. The normal published refund schedule applies. Upon dismissal from the program, students must formally separate from SIT and depart the country within 48-72 hours. Students may appeal a decision of academic dismissal consistent with SIT’s policies and procedures. Appeals of any decision must be made in writing to the Academic Dean of the region within 48 hours of the initial decision. The student’s status remains dismissed until the appeal has been decided. For grade appeal, please see section above entitled Grade Appeal.
To request a deferral of implementation of the dean’s sanction, the student must submit a written request no later than 5 PM the business day after receipt of the sanction letter and email or present the request in writing. The dean’s written decision will be available for the student the following business day.
Learn more about our Voluntary Withdrawal and Non-Academic Dismissal / Involuntary Leave policies.