Passports & Visas
All Students
To study abroad, all students must have a passport that is valid for at least six months after the program’s end date. Students should apply for a passport as early as possible; in some cases, passport applications may need to be expedited. For many programs, students will need one or more visas in addition to a valid passport. Visa application processes vary widely and some visa processes are complicated and require multiple steps.
SIT Study Abroad will help you understand the visa process for each program and even provide group instructions when necessary. A study abroad admissions counselor will be happy to speak with you about passport and visa-related questions and concerns.
Non-US Citizens
Students without a US passport may be subject to additional or different requirements or may be required to meet other conditions of entry. Many countries require individuals to apply for visas in person at the relevant embassy or consulate in the applicants’ country of citizenship. We strongly recommend that you contact the embassy for each country the program will be traveling to very early in the process to confirm visa and/or entry requirements and determine next steps while allowing plenty of time to apply. If the foreign consulate(s) allows non-US passport holders to apply for the required visa from within the United States, applicants are encouraged to contact Travisa Visa Services. As an experienced visa agent working closely with a number of SIT programs, Travisa may be able to assist you in your visa application process. A service discount is available by entering “SIT” as the corporate code in your Travisa online application. It is your responsibility to confirm and complete the visa application process particular to your situation and to keep your admissions counselor informed.