Scholarship FAQ
When is my scholarship application complete?
The scholarship section of your application is complete when we have your FAFSA and the financial aid data submitted from your home school. If you are an international student, you are exempt from submitting the FAFSA.
How long does it take to review my scholarship application?
The Scholarship Committee generally meets weekly to review completed applications. You can expect a decision within two weeks, possibly sooner. (Exceptions to this include scholarship applications from colleges and universities where SIT offers a special institutional scholarship. Decisions regarding special institutional scholarships typically will take longer to process because they also include an independent scholarship application review at the home school. Please contact the study abroad or international programs office at your home school if you have any questions about this.)
Is the status of my scholarship application available to view in the Student Portal?
At this time, SIT Study Abroad does not have the capacity to do this.
I am a Pell Grant recipient; do I still need to complete a scholarship application?
Yes. Please see the instructions under Pell Grant Match
My home school reviews all SIT accepted students for SIT special institutional scholarships. Do I still need to complete an SIT scholarship application?
This depends on your home school. If you know that your home school has an SIT special institutional scholarship, please contact your study abroad or international programs office to double check on their recommended process.
What is the amount of a typical scholarship?
Typical awards for semester students range between $500 and $5,000. Summer awards are generally $500 to $3,000. SIT Study Abroad may offer a few special awards that allow for larger scholarships. Please check the scholarship list to see if there are any that may apply to you. This list is subject to change depending on the semester to which you are applying.
I’m applying to an SIT Study Abroad summer program. Is the process different for me?
The process is the same for you. The only significant difference is that for many students applying to SIT summer programs from semester system institutions, their institutional and/or federal financial aid may not be applicable to summer programs, even if it is allowed to be used for a semester program. For students at quarter system institutions, however, institutional and/or federal aid may more likely be available to transfer to an SIT Study Abroad summer program.