Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental expectation of all SIT Study Abroad students. Academic dishonesty is the failure to maintain academic integrity. It includes, but is not limited to, obtaining or giving unauthorized aid on an examination, having unauthorized prior knowledge of the content of an examination, doing work for another student, having work done by another person for the student, and plagiarism.
Academic dishonesty can result in severe academic penalty, including failure of the course and/or dismissal from the program. Plagiarism is the presentation of another person’s ideas or product as one’s own. Examples of plagiarism are:
- copying verbatim and without attribution all or parts of another’s written work
- using phrases, charts, figures, illustrations, computer programs, and web sites without citing the source
- paraphrasing ideas, conclusions, or research without citing the source
- and using all or part of a literary plot, poem, film, musical score, computer program, web sites or other artistic products without attributing the work to its creator.
Students can avoid unintentional plagiarism by carefully following accepted scholarly practices. Notes taken for papers and research projects should accurately record sources of material to be cited, quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, and research or critical papers should acknowledge these sources with the use of footnotes. Violations of SIT Study Abroad’s academic integrity policy are handled as violations of the SIT Code of Conduct and will result in disciplinary action.
For complete information, please see the full SIT Academic Integrity Policy, Student Guide to the SIT Integrity Policy, and SIT Academic Integrity Policy Sanction Guidelines.