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Notification of withdrawal from an SIT Study Abroad program must be submitted in writing.

The confirmation deposit (either $400, $1,000, or $2500, depending on the program) credited towards the student’s program fee is nonrefundable and may not be transferred to another semester. Payment of the balance of the program fee is due on the following dates:

July 15 for fall semester programs
December 15 for spring semester programs
May 15 for summer programs

Students are expected to pay the program fee according to this schedule. If payment is not made on schedule, the student will be withdrawn for nonpayment.

For IHP/Comparative programs, enrolled students who withdraw prior to 90 days before the start of the program forfeit one-half of the acceptance deposit ($500). After that time, no refunds of the $1,000 acceptance deposit will be given.

SIT Study Abroad programs are designed such that credit is granted for the completion of the entire experiential semester. Our programs are designed in whole and individual courses cannot be dropped. Therefore, students are not permitted to leave the program and receive partial credits. Exceptions to this policy include medical withdrawal and involuntary leave.

SIT Study Abroad does not permit students to voluntarily withdraw from an individual course. If a student is considering withdrawing from the program, the student must contact his or her home institution prior to withdrawing to discuss possible implications for credit transfer or the student’s standing at that institution. If a student wishes to withdraw from the program, the student must notify the academic director who will ask the student to sign a withdrawal form. Upon notification or last date of association with the program, whichever is later, the student will be considered withdrawn from the entire program. Once withdrawn, the student will not be permitted any further association with the program and will forgo any of the benefits that the program provides, including insurance coverage and visa sponsorship. Students agree that when they withdraw voluntarily or are dismissed from a program, they will leave the program site and discontinue contact with the program. Students will be responsible for making and paying for their own travel arrangements from the program site

Learn more about our Non-Academic Dismissal / Involuntary Leave and Academic Probation / Dismissal policies.

Learn more about our Voluntary Withdrawal Refund Procedures.

Although SIT will attempt to maintain its programs as described in its publications, SIT reserves the right to modify, relocate, suspend, cancel, terminate, alter, transition to online delivery, or in any way change a program, its itinerary or its duration at any time and for any reason in SIT’s sole discretion, including but not limited to closure for public health concerns, with or without notice. Normally in the event of modification, relocations, suspension, alterations, termination or cancellation, refund procedures shall follow those set forth above in the Withdrawal Refund Procedures section.

The period of enrollment for students ordinarily begins the day of the specified program start date and concludes on the specified program end date.