Designing and Leading Global Experiential Programs: On-site and Online
Certificate Program Overview
Through eight online modules, blending synchronous and asynchronous learning, this professional development certificate dives deep into the best practices for faculty-led, short-term study abroad programs and experiential education—whether in person or online. Join a cohort of faculty and study abroad colleagues and SIT’s thought-leaders and innovators in the field to build community, share ideas, and learn skills and strategies to implement best practices. Drawing on SIT Study Abroad’s expansive experience and expertise, this certificate program encourages participants to think critically, practice ethically, and develop programs that align with and elevate academic goals and objectives.
At a Glance
Dates: This online certificate program will take place over a period of nine weeks, with synchronous and asynchronous components.
Cost: $2000
Who should participate? This certificate program is best suited for higher education study abroad professionals and faculty who are engaged in the development, management, and implementation of global educational programs, or plan to lead them on the ground.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this certificate program, participants will be able to:
- Implement the theory and practice of experiential education into on-site and online programs
- Demonstrate an understanding and ability to implement best practices and ethical considerations in short-term programming
- Develop effective, ethical, and transformative academically focused programs
- Analyze the common challenges of experiential study abroad programs, and develop solutions
- Design and lead activities to help students reflect and debrief their experiences
- Integrate anti-racist and decolonizing practices for study abroad
- Create effective evaluation and assessment tools
The following is a tentative program schedule.
Synchronous sessions are marked with an asterisk (*) while all others are asynchronous to allow for self-paced learning. Synchronous sessions will be scheduled to meet participants’ schedules, when possible, and will be recorded and made available to those who are unable to attend. For synchronous time, participants should expect 60 minutes per week for Small Group Coaching and 75-90 minutes per week for Whole Group Discussion sessions.
Pre-program Assignment
- Record a brief video introduction and get to know the cohort by reviewing others’ submissions
- Educator Role Self-assessment Activity
Welcome: Community Building and Experiential Education (Week 1)
As an introduction to the certificate program, this module aims to build community amongst the cohort of participants and set the stage for the assignments, sessions, and learning to follow. Participants will have the chance to engage with one another, develop program ideas, and identify ways to enhance and strengthen faculty-led study abroad at their home institutions through assignments, readings, and reflections, as well as a small group coaching session. We will review Experiential Education Theory and prepare to apply this iteratively across the next sessions.
- Welcome, Introductions, and Program Overview*
- Community-building Activity*
- Theory and Practice of Experiential Education in Study Abroad Curriculum
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Session*
Introduction to Experiential Education and Decolonizing Study Abroad (Week 2)
Looking through a critical lens, this module explores the responsibility of global educators in decolonizing study abroad, as well as how to integrate anti-racist strategies into faculty-led programming. Participants will continue to develop their program ideas and will have a small group coaching session and a module debrief/reflection.
- Ethical Design Principles for Experiential Programs Abroad
- Decolonizing Your Study Abroad Curriculum
- Anti-Racist Strategies for Study Abroad
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Session*
- Module Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
Basic Principles: Program Design, Best Practices, and Student Health, Safety & Well-being (Week 3)
SIT is a thought leader in engaging in experiential program design. This module pulls from this expertise to explore the basic principles and best practices for designing programs, both on-site and on-line. Participants will continue to develop their program ideas and will have a small group coaching session and a module debrief/reflection.
- Basic Principles and Best Practices for Program Design
- Best Practices for Program Design for Student Health, Safety & Well-being (COVID-19 pandemic)
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Sessions*
- Module Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
Special Topics in Program Design: Partner Collaboration Assessment and Sustainability (Week 4)
Aligning with best practices in the field, this module explores the ethical considerations in experiential program design. Additionally, participants will be able to choose a special topics session between collaborating with study abroad providers, which helps participants better understand the benefits of a custom program partnership, or evaluation and assessment, which aids participants with best practices for online and on-site programs. Participants will continue to develop their programs and will have a small group coaching session and a module debrief/reflection.
- Choose one of the following sessions:
- Collaborating with Providers on Faculty-Led Programs
- Evaluating and Assessing Experiential Programs: On-site and Virtual
- Program Design for Sustainability
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Sessions*
- Module Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
Navigating Common Challenges (Week 5)
This module will bring the group back together after a brief break to reconnect and continue to build community amongst the cohort of participants. Participants will be able to choose from sessions on language and culture; safety and security; or privilege, power, and positionality. Participants will continue to develop their programs and will have a small group coaching session and a module debrief/reflection.
- Community-Building Activity*
- Engaging with and Addressing Privilege, Power, and Positionality
- Choose two of the following sessions:
- Strategies for Overcoming Cultural Differences and Language Barriers
- Ensuring Safety, Security, and Health: In the Field and Online
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Sessions*
- Module Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
Leadership Skill-building Sessions (Week 6)
Aiming to elevate and develop transformational leadership skills, this module allows participants to choose sessions focusing on leading intentional debrief and reflection sessions with students, managing group dynamics, and cross-cultural communication. Participants will finalize their program ideas and will have a small group coaching session and a module debrief/reflection
- Choose two of the following sessions:
- Best Practices in Leading Debrief and Reflection Sessions
- Tips and Strategies for Managing Group Dynamics
- Effective Cross-cultural Communication
- Program Development Readings, Assignments, and Reflections
- Small Group Coaching and Feedback Sessions*
- Module Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
Independent Project Development (Week 7)
This week will be focused on developing the individual projects that will be presented in week 8. Small group coaching sessions will complement independent project research and development.
Participant Presentations (Week 8)
Participants will present the programs they have developed and the ways they have integrated the module lessons into their program plans. These presentations are a practical way for participants to bring together and start to apply the skills and knowledge they’ve gained during the certificate program. We will extend this session to two hours, or split the session depending on class size, to allow for adequate presentation and discussion time.
Program Wrap-Up and Evaluation (Week 9) – special closing session
In the final week, participants will complete a post-program self-assessment and program evaluation. Additionally, participants will come together for a final debrief and reflection session and will be awarded their certificates for completing the Designing and Leading Global Experiential Programs: On-site and Online program.
- Post-Program Self-assessment
- Final Debrief, Discussion, and Reflection Session*
- Awarding of Certificates*
- Program Evaluation
Faculty & Staff
The certificate program is facilitated by Dr. SherriLynn Colby-Bottel, and will include contributions from SIT Academic Deans, Academic Directors, Country Coordinators, and the SIT Custom Programs team who are thought leaders and leading practitioners in experiential education. Each of these contributors has extensive experience developing and implementing successful study abroad programs that are rooted in experiential education and critical global issues, all developed through a social justice lens. The program will include debrief, discussion, and reflection sessions, as well as the small group coaching and feedback sessions.
Admissions Process & Eligibility
Eligibility & Admissions Criteria
Applicants will be notified of admissions decisions within two weeks of applying.
Faculty, study abroad staff, and other school staff or administrators from U.S. institutions of higher learning are invited to apply. Previous experience in designing or leading global programs is not required, though participants who have some responsibility for, or opportunities to engage in global education activities for their institutions are preferred.
Tuition & Scholarships
The total cost of the certificate program is $2,000.
You will receive your invoice upon your acceptance. A nonrefundable $400 deposit will be due within three weeks of receiving your invoice. Balance payment will be due 30 days prior to the start of the program.
A limited number of partial fee waivers are available. Award decisions are based on financial need and other factors. Depending on your need and availability, scholarships typically range from $250-500. To be considered, you must answer the scholarship application questions in our program application.