Transferring Financial Aid
Your financial aid package at your home college or university may be transferrable to pay some or all of the costs associated with your SIT Study Abroad program.
Wondering where to start?
Contact the financial aid and/or study abroad office(s) at your home institution to learn if your school’s scholarships and grants, and federal and state aid programs, can be applied to your SIT Study Abroad program. Each college and university establishes its own policies for applying financial aid to study abroad. SIT is committed to working closely with the financial aid and study abroad offices of each student’s home institution to coordinate the financial resources available for a student’s international experience.
Many colleges and universities require students to complete a consortium agreement in order for their financial aid to be transferred to SIT Study Abroad. If your home institution requires SIT to complete a consortium agreement, please contact your financial aid office and request that they forward their institutional consortia form to the SIT Study Abroad financial aid and scholarship coordinator at [email protected].
Please note that it is each student’s responsibility to understand the policies of his or her home institution and to follow the home institution’s designated procedures related to financial aid and study abroad in a timely manner.