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Czech Republic

Arts Studios in Creative Writing, Contemporary Dance & Photography


Petra Hůlová, PhD
Dr. Hůlová teaches the Creative Writing Studio course. She is one of the most widely translated contemporary Czech authors and has received most of the prestigious Czech literary awards for her novels (Magnesia Litera Prize, the Lidové Noviny Book of the Year, the Jiří Orten Award, and the Josef Škvorecky Prize). She also writes theater plays and screenplays and performs in her own stage pieces, with artists, Pavel Havrda and Petr Vrba, that integrate audio, visual, and textual elements. She is a regular commenter on current social and political affairs and is one of the founding members of Czech Writers’ Association. Learn more about Dr. Hůlová here.

Vera Ondrašíková, PhD
Dr. Ondrašíková teaches the Contemporary Dance Studio course. A choreographer and dancer, Dr. Ondrašíková has won several awards for her technically complex and evocative dance, choreography, and design work. Her choreography for Anti-Codes, prepared for the National Theater in Prague, was performed in New York, Washington, and Miami and the award-winning performance Guide (2015) has been performed more than 50 times in the Czech and Slovak Republics, as well as in the United States, Europe, Israel, and South Korea. She is an instructor in choreography at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Learn more about Dr. Ondrašíková here.

Lucia Sceranková, MA
Lucia Sceranková teaches the Photography Studio course. As a photographer, she combines analog and digital photographic methods with other technologies for which she has received several top award nominations and residencies. She has had many solo exhibitions since her studies in Bratislava and Prague and has participated in many Czech and international exhibitions. Learn more about Lucia here and here.