Learning Outcomes & Achievement
Learning is a transformative, iterative, and lifelong process informed by diverse sources of experience, information, dialogue, and reflection. SIT academic programs are designed to engage students in this process of learning, supporting and challenging them as they develop the knowledge, skills, and values SIT envisions. While students benefit from their studies in innumerable ways during their program and beyond, SIT articulates the learning students are expected to be able to demonstrate upon completion of their program through Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). These Student Learning Outcomes are expressed on multiple, integrated levels: Institutional (ILOs); Divisional Learning Outcomes (LOs); and Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). For more information, please visit our SIT Institutional Learning Outcomes.
SIT Study Abroad and IHP: Upon completion of an SIT Study Abroad or IHP program, students will be able to:
- Global Learning LO #1: Compare the complex systems and legacies of power within and across local, regional, and global perspectives and their impact on individuals, including self, and communities.
- Social Justice LO #2: Apply ethical reasoning in community engagement/reciprocity initiatives that promotes community integrity.
- Critical Thinking LO #3: Develop logical arguments with informed conclusions derived from questioning perspectives, challenging assumptions, analyzing claims, and evaluating evidence.
- Inquiry & Analysis LO #4: Conduct ethical inquiry, research, and analysis that contributes to existing knowledge on a topic of significance.
- Integrative Learning LO #5: Synthesize information from multiple sources, contexts, experiences, and sites of learning and develop transferable knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
- Interculturality LO #6: Navigate the differences and similarities within and across cultures and identities with respect, including within their own learning and professional communities.
Program Learning Outcomes are listed on the SIT Study Abroad website on each program’s respective webpage.
SIT First Year: On the Division level, SIT First Year encompasses SIT’s institutional learning outcomes as expressed in the domains of Knowledge (K), Skills (S), and Social Justice Values (SJV).
- K1: Subject matter knowledge, based on field of study (Global Health & Well-being, Climate & Environment, Identity & Human Resilience)
- K2: Integrative Learning, based on field of study
- S1: Ethical Enquiry and Analysis
- S2: Teamwork
- S3: Oral Communication
- S4: Writing
- S5: Problem Solving
Social Justice Values
- SJV1: Interculturality
- SJV2: Reciprocity
- SJV3: Inclusivity
On the Program level, each course of study is designed to ensure that upon completion of an SIT First Year program, students will be able to:
- PLO #1: Explain foundational theories, concepts, and methodologies appropriate to the fields of inquiry (K1, K2, S1)
- PLO#2: Conduct ethical field-based research and clearly communicate the findings (K1, K2, S1, S3, S4, S5, SJV1)
- PLO #3: Articulate values that frame ethical, reciprocal community partnerships (S2, S3, S5, SJV2)
- PLO #4: Examine fundamental concerns in course topics through project-based learning (K1, K2, S2, S5)
- PLO #5: Deploy strategies for centering issues of ethics, inclusion, and diversity in academic exploration and presentations (S1, SJV1, SJV2, SJV3)
- PLO #6: Use reflection as a mode for synthesis, meaning-making, and assessing positionality (K2, S4, SJV3)
Assessment of Student Learning
2022 Report on SIT Undergraduate Student Achievement in Interculturality
Undergraduate Assessment: Information Literacy
Undergraduate Assessment: Critical Inquiry & Reflection