In addition to taking the above courses, students will also need to enroll in one of the following two courses:
Independent Study Project – syllabus
(ISPR3000 / 4 credits)
Conducted in Ho Chi Minh City or in another approved location appropriate to the project. Sample topic areas: gender roles in Vietnamese society; the impact of migration on urban life; colonial architecture; heritage site management and conservation; the business environment and entrepreneurship in Vietnam; craft villages in transition; microcredit projects; poverty reduction and hunger eradication; Vietnamese culture viewed through the media, literature, or popular music; memory and the French and American wars; fortune tellers, magic, and mysticism in a modern socialist society.
Sample ISP topics:
- Gender roles and sexuality in Vietnamese society
- Food culture and organic farming
- Healthcare and inequality
- Colonial architecture
- Heritage site management and conservation
- Entrepreneurship and business development in Vietnam
- Memory and the French and American wars
- Aquaculture: shrimp and catfish farming
- Issues of HIV/AIDS and public health
- Music and performance arts
- Fortune tellers, magic, and mysticism in a modern socialist society
Browse this program’s Independent Study Projects / undergraduate research.
Internship and Seminar – syllabus
(ITRN3000 / 4 credits)
This seminar consists of a four-week internship with a local community organization, research organization, business, or international NGO. The aim of the internship is to enable the student to gain valuable experience and to enhance their skills in an international environment. Students will complete an internship and participate in a weekly seminar in which they process their learning experience (typically online), write progress reports, and prepare a final paper and presentation. A focus will be on linking internship learning with the program’s critical global issue focus and overall program theme.
Sample internships:
- Supporting training workshops, micro-credit programs, and women’s empowerment at the Center for Community Health and Development in Hanoi
- Doing innovative work with green living, public space development and restoration, and organic agriculture with the Action Center for City Development in Hoi An
- Assisting ongoing projects on mental health, micro-nutrients and nutrition, policy advocacy, and social work at the Research and Training Center for Community Development in Hanoi
- Providing support services to local nonprofits, international nongovernmental organizations seeking Vietnamese partners, and individual volunteers and philanthropists who are committed to building strong communities at LIN Center in Ho Chi Minh City
- Participating in projects to improve local livelihoods at the East Meets West Center in Da Nang
- Helping teachers and students with art projects in schools in Hue