Khadija Elmadmad, PhD
Khadija is an attorney with the Rabat Bar Association of Law and holder of the UNESCO Chair in Migration and Human Rights at the University Hassan II in Casablanca. She is president of the Casablanca Center on Migration and Humanitarian Laws; legal coordinator for Morocco of the Euro-Mediterranean Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration in Florence, Italy; a member of the scientific board of the Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project; and UNESCO chair on women’s rights. She is a consultant for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, UNESCO, the International Labor Organization, the International Organization for Migration, and the Moroccan Red Crescent. Her books include Asile et réfugiés dans les pays afro-arabes (Asylum and Refugees in the Afro-Arab Countries) and Les migrants et leurs droits au Maghreb (Migrants and Their Rights in the Maghreb).
Driss Maghraoui, PhD
Driss is a professor of history and international relations at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane and teaches North African immigration in Europe, modern imperialism and its culture, history of the Arab world, and history and memory in twentieth-century Europe. He has been a visiting professor at Yale and the University of California, Santa Cruz. His most recent publications include “Secularism in Morocco: A Stagnant Word in Motion,” “Northern Africa: Historical Links with Sub-Saharan Africa,” “Perceptions of External Pressure to Democratization: The Moroccan Case,” and “The ‘Grande Guerre Sainte’: Moroccan Colonial Troops and Workers in the First World War.”
Nadia Bourass, PhD
Nadia holds a PhD in history and specializes in gender and Moroccan immigration and transnationalism in the Netherlands. She is a member of the governing bodies of the Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development Centre and Gresen Links Amsterdam (Green Left Party).
Ineke Van Der Valk, PhD
Ineke is an associate professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She has worked for years on migration issues relating to the integration of Moroccan migrants in the Dutch society, the rise of anti-migration in the political discourse, and the development of Islamophobia. She also studied ethnic relations and diversity in multicultural societies in the Netherlands.
Mourad Mkinsi
Mourad Mkinsi is a lecturer in literary and cultural studies at Ibn Tofail University in Kenitra. He also lectures at the Faculty of Governance and Economics in Rabat. He is the current coordinator of the “Etudes Pluridisciplinaires” research lab affiliated to Ibn Tofail University and a member of the Gender Studies research group. His academic interests include cultural studies, gender and politics, civil society, and social movements, and he has published several articles on these issues.
Mohammed Hassar
Professor Mohammed Hassar, an internist, and a clinical pharmacologist, is an emeritus professor at the Rabat School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Morocco. He also served as director of the Institut National d’Hygiène, Rabat from 1989 to 1993 and director of the Institut Pasteur du Maroc (IPM), Casablanca from 2001 to 2010.During his tenures, he started and developed several activities among others: an antipoison and a pharmacovigilance center (now a WHO collaborating and training center for Arabic and French speaking countries), genetic units, a food, water and environment safety center as well as the first and only BSL3 laboratory of the Moroccan ministry of health.
Professor Hassar has been active in global public health for the past two decades. He has served on several WHO committees and panels. He is also a former board member of IANPHI, the Public Health Institutes of the World. He is currently a member of the Eastern Mediterranean Advisory Committee for Health Research.